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June 24, 2024
Version 16.20 of DESIGN II for Windows is available... More

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September 15, 2023
Mr. Michael Lynn McGuire will be attending the GPA Midstream Conference... More

August 29, 2023
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September 16, 2021
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Generate Two Week Password for DESIGN II for Windows Process Simulation


If you are test-driving DESIGN II for Windows, please download and install the program on your computer first. Then run DESIGN II for Windows on your computer using the DESIGN II for Windows icon. The first thing that you will see is a dialog stating your Computer ID. You should take this computer ID# to put it in the form found in the Two Week Password link in order for you to get the email with your password and serial number. You may shut down DESIGN II for Windows while you are waiting for your testdrive password and serial number. Your Computer ID will not change.

Please note that you are allowed to generate (only) TWO passwords using a specific Computer ID.

We earnestly persuade prospects not to over-use, abuse, or mis-use this facility.

Please note that our website password generator works very quickly (usually 2-3 minutes) and is up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Please note that,,, and their variant email addresses have been blocked. All other free email services have also been blocked.

Please Note That Bolded Items Are Required !
Your First and Last Name:
Voice Phone:
Fax Phone:
Your Title:
Address 1:
Address 2:
ZIP Code:
Computer Id:

Which version of DESIGN II for Windows are you test-driving ?
16.20 16.19 16.18 16.17 16.16 16.15 16.14 16.13 16.12 16.11 16.10 16.09 16.08 16.07 16.06 16.05 16.04 16.03 16.02 16.01 16.00

Are you currently using a process simulator ?
DESIGN II for Windows
Hyprotech HYSIM
Hyprotech HYSYS
AspenTech Aspen Plus
BR&E ProMax
BR&E Prosim
BR&E TSweet
SimSci Provision/PRO II
ChemStations ChemCAD
Virtual Materials Group VMGSim
ProSim ProSimPlus
Inhouse Process Simulator

Are you currently happy with your process simulator ?
Not Applicable Yes No

Is your process simulator ?
Not Applicable DOS Windows
Unix Vax VMS Mainframe Macintosh Cloud

How did you find out about WinSim Inc. ?

Do you have any comments ?

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